Thursday, June 19, 2008

trivia board game

ok, for the trivia game, I was thinking that I could set up a chutes and ladders game. Instead of rolling dice though, you would pick up a question card from the deck, each question would be worth so many points and they would be shuffled at random, just like a dice would be. However many points you get, is how many spaces you get to move. There would be a separate deck for bonus question as well. If you land on a ladder, you would have to answer a bonus question to be able to go up the ladder, and same if you were to land on a chute, you would be able to answer a bonus question to try and 'save' yourself from going down the board. Whoever gets to the end first would win. we would keep playing until 3 people made it to the end and those three would get to pick from the prize box in order of who won first.

oh and I should mention that the piece that everyone gets to play with, would be a fakie pony as my daughter has tons of those and that wherever there is a bonus question on the board, there would be a pony sticker to indicate it, because I have tons of those from swaps and stuff. Just to make it a bit more 'pony'.

I found this on the internet, I think I could make one pretty easy out of poster board and construction paper.

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About Me

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i live the simple life so to speak, but a bit of an eccentric one. i have an extensive vintage my little pony collection and shelves of only the geekiest lunch boxes around. nerd? perhaps. really i love to collect anything vintage and i enjoy being a big kid entirely too much. i love to sew and make cute things. i am vegetarian; i love to cook and bake. i try and be conscious of the decisions i make in this life. i recycle. i reuse. i compost. i try to live as plastic free as possible. hippy? no. hippies never looked this good in a 50's dress and high heels.