right now we don't have a date, but we do have a few confirmed attendees!!
the pony meet will be held on either a Saturday or Sunday in the early afternoon sometime in July.
It will be located at my house. Our house is not small, so we should be able to accommodate everyone inside, but if it is nice out, we also have a giant backyard that we can hang out in as well.
mingling - the point is to meet other collectors, so introduce yourself!!! (I will make name tags for everyone too!)
buying/selling/trading - of course!! we will set everyone up with a table or something of that nature, so bring any ponies that you would like to sell/trade, as well as of course any ponies that you would like to show off.
Pony Trivia - a pony trivia game will be held. there will be first, second and third place prizes. So brush up on your pony knowledge!!!
Pony Swap - we are going to do this 'secret santa' style. Everyone will bring a good condition G1 pony with a value of $10-$15. each pony needs to be wrapped before the meet so that we don't know which pony it is and the name of whomever brought the pony needs to be written on the outside of the package. On arrival, everyone will write their name on a piece of paper and that name will be put into the draw bowl. Then come swap time, we will one by one, draw a name and whichever name you draw will be matched up with a name written on a pony present, and that's the pony you get to unwrap and keep!!
Re-hairing tutorial - I don't know how to do it. Do you?? Each attendee will be asked to bring one baity pony in need of some new hair. hair, needles, and glue will be provided.
if it's nice out and we are all done the activities planned, we can take a walk down to the park.
other information:
snacks and treats will be provided, however, each attendee will be asked to bring one food item. It can me something you made. it can be something store bought. It can be pop, juice, munchies, whatever you want. please keep in mind that there will be a few vegetarians there and so meatless snacks would be preferred. if you have any allergies or other special food needs, please let me know ahead of time so that I can inform everyone of your dietary needs.
this pony meet is child/family friendly. I have a daughter whom is 16 months old with her own special little play area and of course, the big backyard. I just need to know who else is coming with you so that we know how much food to make!!
Anyone who would like to attend, please e-mail me (Jenn) at macabrebetty@hotmail.com and include who you are and where you are from. Anyone contacting me on a forum, please include your real name as well as your e-mail. When a more official date is set, I will send out e-mail notifications to everyone and then a reminder one week before.
I think that's it!!